Lina Belar

Poet. Musician. Historian. Photographer.

Lina Belar

Lina Belar

Poet. Musician. Historian. Photographer.

The Future of the World

I am waiting for the day you can't buy pens anymore.
Who needs a writing instrument once telepathy replaces speech?
Already, most communication has been reduced to the fingertip.

With one swipe you can sign your name, message a friend,
capture a picture. Pens and pencils are but crutches
for those unable to see how evolution is at work.

The tap follows the thought and soon the tips of our fingers
will become the conduit for all that is glorious and beautiful
in our minds as well as the sad and forlorn.

From final tap to telepathy we will once again be able to hear
the vast symphony of the earth as it goes about its business
of living and eating and dying.

As I write this, I am watching a great blue heron poised
at water's edge, waves breaking across his bony feet
waiting for the sea to bring him his breakfast.